“I’m passionate about uncovering the root cause of issues and empowering others to improve their own health and emotional well-being. Energy field healing is a way to access the highest possible frequencies to address emotional stress and physical symptoms, bringing harmony to our mind, body and emotions.”
I’m Anna, I trained in Energy Field Healing with Sue Zange in 2012 and completed my advanced level healing diploma in 2013 which has significantly enhanced the skills that I can offer to others.
I have worked as a physiotherapist for over 20 years and I have also done training in other complementary therapies including visceral manipulation, neural manipulation and cranial sacral therapy.
I’m passionate about uncovering the root cause of issues and empowering others to improve their own health and emotional well-being. Energy field healing is a way to access the highest possible frequencies to address emotional stress and physical symptoms, bringing harmony to our mind, body and emotions. A beautiful, bright, flowing energy field empowers us and activates our own inner potential for transformation and healing. It allows us to be clear, focused and balanced. I believe that happiness, health and freedom are our natural condition; no matter what your state of health, there is always the potential to bring in higher energies for self healing.
Energy field healing has been transformative in my own life. I now see my natural sensitivity that once made me feel vulnerable as a precious gift. The effects of energy field healing can be profound and life changing and offers vast potential for healing on a physical, emotional and mental level for ourselves and in our relationships with others. The world of subtle energy is part of my everyday life and I am keen to inspire others in how EFH can help in their own self healing journey. I am extremely intuitive and empathic and also have a deep connection with animals and nature. I feel truly passionate about using these advanced healing techniques to empower others in order to achieve their true potential and own sense of peace.