Subtle Energies ~ the unseen ways of life
Subtle fields are an unseen and mostly unknown, energy environment, and yet they power and influence every aspect, of every day, of everyone’s life.
All things exist in energy form. For us, as human beings, we have many layers of energy flowing through our body and radiating out into the world, connecting us with all others and all things. This field of energy is a matrix of energy patterns and forms.
On a general basis, your energy field will radiate out from your physical body some 2-3 feet and as the energy radiates out, it becomes finer in resonance and vibrates at a much higher frequency. The sum of all your life experience is held in memory ‘forms’ and ‘patterns’ within this field of intelligence, which drives our views, beliefs, attitudes, physical presence and desires.

Your energy field transmits, receives and stores all the activity and experience of your life:
All things are energy. All our actions, deeds, thoughts and feelings, are flows of energy patterns. We live daily in a constant flow of incoming and outgoing ‘energy transactions’ which we have to process and move through. So our energy field is in constant flow and connection with the external physical world, absorbing energies from people and places, storing the memory of interactions with others, and most importantly, through life experience, carrying the memory of our past illness, distress or trauma.
When energy within the field flows in a clear and balanced way, we remain in good health with a positive sense of well-being. However, when we encounter pain, trauma, stress or difficulty through life experience, the energy flow can become disrupted and blocked.
Find a HealerEnergy transactions can build up heavily within the field, and if left uncleared, may lead to physical illness and emotional and mental imbalance. By cleansing non-serving energies out of the field, we release any stagnation or blockages and allow the fresh universal energy to flow and strengthen your well-being. The human energy field has a central axis of flow, from which main energy centres (chakras) emanate, flowing into multiple layers of fine energy. Each energy centre and each layer fulfil a different purpose in maintaining you and your well-being.
The main central axis of energy flow maintains your stability, strength, and incoming and outgoing flows of universal source energy. You can learn more about the structure of the energy field by reading the book or attending training.
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Learn more about subtle energies:
Energy transactions can build up heavily within the field, and if left uncleared, may lead to physical illness and emotional and mental imbalance. By cleansing non-serving energies out of the field, we release any stagnation or blockages and allow the fresh universal energy to flow and strengthen your well-being. The human energy field has a central axis of flow, from which main energy centres (chakras) emanate, flowing into multiple layers of fine energy. Each energy centre and each layer fulfil a different purpose in maintaining you and your well-being.
The main central axis of energy flow maintains your stability, strength, and incoming and outgoing flows of universal source energy. You can learn more about the structure of the energy field by reading the book or attending training.
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